An alcohol use disorder is a clinical term for a pattern of hazardous or harmful drinking behaviors that can vary in severity. Alcoholism, or compulsive alcohol use and dependency, can result from long-term brain damage. Although diagnosing a drinking issue might be challenging, we can assist. Certain symptoms of alcohol addiction can be reversed if caught early. Alcohol messes with the brain's communication networks and can have both short- and long-term impacts. These have the power to affect behavior, mood, and other cognitive processes. Alcohol-induced liver illness, alcohol-induced convulsions, and nutritional deficits can potentially cause brain injury. Alcohol exposure during pregnancy can affect the developing brains of fetuses, leading to fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.It has been observed that with the right care, brain issues brought on by alcohol can frequently be resolved. Months or years of alcohol abstinence can help mitigate the symptoms of alcohol addiction, including cognitive impairments like memory loss.